Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Doors of Mind

Doors of the Mind

Mr.Artana has very beautifully and almost convincingly explained the working of the Mind through the postulation of Door of the Mind. Entrusting the entire bunch of keys to the individual is quite comforting to the human ego but rather unconvincing.

The conditioning of the Mind often as we grow up cuts down our options.
He postulates that the bunch of keys to all the doors of the Mind is entrusted to us at the time of our birth. As we grow up we make voluntary choices about which doors to open and which not. He,however, in passing acknowledges the restrictive role of genetics as also familial upbringing in conditioning our options. However, he has not referred to the inalienable character of such impressions. Actually by the time we grow up these influences form a part and parcel of our individuality and dictates his choice of keys, The complexes about untouchability, religion etc form a part and parcel of our makeup.

Not that such influences are always negative. What is significant is that they restrict our choice of keys. A la a marionette we are unaware of these invisible strings which modulate our movements. The Bible says there are many Mansions of Philosophy in the House of My Lord. But a non-believer restricts himself to the dark and dingy rooms. The overtly religious tone of the reference is unintended. Such adverse influences can be so negative that the very idea of unlocking some doom/s is blasphemy.Religious bigotry is a prime example of this. Could this inchoate complex be the birthplace of the ani-Christ?

While such ‘inborn’ impressions severelly restrict our choice of the keys some ongoing influences also tend to delimit it.The blasts by the terrorists all over India are instances in point.The general reaction to them is so hackneyed that it reveals the deep-rooted malaise within us. Despite strong evidence about the perpetrators of such blasts at Nanded, Malegaon and Kanpur we firmly keep the doors locked even throwing away the keys lest we are tempted to peep in,just in case. A free-lance writer from Delhi even received threats to his life for he expressed his doubts in the matter.

The biblical idea of Free Will does appear quite tempting and Mr.Artana’s making us Keeper of the Keys is quite soothing indeed.But ,as it appears,we are only Keepers of the Keys subject to strict restrictions on their use.The unfortunate fact is that we have the capacity and power to acess any and every door but are victims of a self-imposed paralysis.

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